Monday, May 14, 2012
Senior Last Week....A bittersweet feeling indeed. I am so excited to get out early only because I can start my summer earlier, but there is still going to be a lot to be done for college. Orientation, placement testing, all of these necessary things I still need to do. Anyways, focusing on Senior Week, I still have a lot to be done in school, exams, and a few other assignments. I don't feel I can completely relax yet, which bums me out. I am tired, and I haven't gotten a break in a few weeks. My home life has been crazy with Bowling, Golf, and anything else that my mom adds to the calendar. I don't know how much more I can take but I am graduating which makes the craziness that much better. I will miss everyone terribly.
Monday, May 7, 2012
In my opinion this year was just ok. My date and I were extremely tired from bowling earlier that day, plus driving 6 + hours made me even more tired out. We were in the Flint area for USBC State Championships, which was fun, but not well planned out with all of our activities during prom time.
The Prom in general is overrated though, a lot of money is spent for just a few hours spent dancing, i've never felt that "magical" feel seniors and juniors are suppose to feel. The best part about Prom was probably the dinner, I went out with Josh Lewis, Luke Reno, and a few others, we had a lot of laughs and the food was great too. We did not go to afterprom because the next morning we had to wake up and bowl 6 more games near the Flint area yet again.
In my opinion this year was just ok. My date and I were extremely tired from bowling earlier that day, plus driving 6 + hours made me even more tired out. We were in the Flint area for USBC State Championships, which was fun, but not well planned out with all of our activities during prom time.
The Prom in general is overrated though, a lot of money is spent for just a few hours spent dancing, i've never felt that "magical" feel seniors and juniors are suppose to feel. The best part about Prom was probably the dinner, I went out with Josh Lewis, Luke Reno, and a few others, we had a lot of laughs and the food was great too. We did not go to afterprom because the next morning we had to wake up and bowl 6 more games near the Flint area yet again.
Monday, April 23, 2012
I do have a Facebook account, and I am on it probably once or twice a day. I mostly use my Facebook account to post good things that have gone on in my life, sport updates, something that I found interesting on the internet, saying my birthday greetings to a friend, or I even use it as a calendar of events that are going on around me. I never use to to verbally bash someone though, that is not right. So many people have to be on Facebook because it fits there gossip-like personality, they have to know what is going on at all times, or to even tell others what they are going to do five minutes from now, which also gets EXTREMELY annoying. Plus it is also dangerous, somebody could break into your house if you tell Facebook that you are "leaving for town soon, lol!!" When I first saw Facebook I saw it as an opportunity for friends to share different things they might like so that "Friends" on Facebook can better connect to each other, that's who I think should use Facebook.
Three positives of Facebook
1. Share good news that goes on in life.
2. Games are available to played, even games that need friends to help out in.
3. Acquaintances from different schools or even states can reconnect.
Three negatives of Facebook
1. Cyber-bullying is made easier.
2. Personal Information is readily available for anyone.
3. Facebook accounts can be hacked easily.
A person can not truely have hundreds "friends" that they can hang out with, see everyday and still be happy to be with each day. People on Facebook book all have acquaintances that they know and talk to once in a while. If a person is able, they will 'friend' the whole school community, but most of the times it gets to hectic on Facebook for that many people.
Three positives of Facebook
1. Share good news that goes on in life.
2. Games are available to played, even games that need friends to help out in.
3. Acquaintances from different schools or even states can reconnect.
Three negatives of Facebook
1. Cyber-bullying is made easier.
2. Personal Information is readily available for anyone.
3. Facebook accounts can be hacked easily.
A person can not truely have hundreds "friends" that they can hang out with, see everyday and still be happy to be with each day. People on Facebook book all have acquaintances that they know and talk to once in a while. If a person is able, they will 'friend' the whole school community, but most of the times it gets to hectic on Facebook for that many people.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Spring Break Blog!
Over spring break I really didnt do much. I golfed on Monday at the Lenawee Country Club, which was fun but I then got a MASSIVE headache from being in the sun so long and that eventually lead to the chills and me being sick for a few days. It was not a fun start to my spring break. It did get better though, I bowled later on that week and hung out with a few people. My birthday was also during spring break and it was held surprisingly at the bowling alley! That Saturday morning I had bowling league, it was my last day of bowling league also, so it was cosmic bowling and the music was blaring, pizza was handed out and before I knew it my mom comes in with my birthday cake! I was so surprised and happy that I actually was surprised for once on my birthday! I bowled a 300 and a 278 that day also ( it was 9 pin no tap, so don't tell anyone..). That is what my spring break consisted of, all in all a good week.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Nothing Better
There is nothing better than the feeling of that pure bowling shot, perfect balance, the perfect speed, the sound of all ten bowling pins falling, the walk back to your seat like you own the bowling alley for a split second, there IS NOTHING better. The feeling of accomplishment is great, and you can relax because that frame is complete and you can concentrate on the next frame.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Famous Person
If I could meet any famous person that I wanted it would probably be Chris Barnes. He is one of the best bowlers, and I feel that if you would meet him on the side of the street he would be the same person and have the same character qualities as if he was bowling with you. He helps out a lot with youth bowlers and gives quite a lot back to the community from what I have read. It would be quite an honor to meet him in person.
Monday, March 12, 2012
March is Reading Month!
My favorite children is I'll Love You Forever. It is my favorite children's book because my mom used to read it to me as I fell asleep each night, and it would always calm me down if I was having a bad day. Going back and reading it today makes me really sad and choked up because of all the memories that are in that book for my family.
Teenagers today just do not like to read because it is not something visibly entertaining like a video game or a computer. You have to actually use your IMAGINATION while reading, which is something that children of today's society has lost a grasp on. I admit that I am one of the those kids, partially because I do enjoy video games, but also because I have no time to fit reading into my busy schedule. To get teenagers interested in reading once more I believe it would take all parents to take away game systems or buy magazines or books that are involved in what these kids play. I know for a fact that there are books that incorporate video game characters.
Teenagers today just do not like to read because it is not something visibly entertaining like a video game or a computer. You have to actually use your IMAGINATION while reading, which is something that children of today's society has lost a grasp on. I admit that I am one of the those kids, partially because I do enjoy video games, but also because I have no time to fit reading into my busy schedule. To get teenagers interested in reading once more I believe it would take all parents to take away game systems or buy magazines or books that are involved in what these kids play. I know for a fact that there are books that incorporate video game characters.

Monday, March 5, 2012
My biggest Pet Peeve
My biggest pet peeve is when I am at the bowling alley and people do not use common courtesy when they are on the lanes. What I am talking about is when people rush up to the lanes and do not wait for another bowler that was previously up to bowl. I get very annoyed and upset, but I just sit back patiently and wait for this rude person to be done with their frame. Nothing grinds my gears more than those instances.
Monday, February 27, 2012
When I usually make a friend it is because they have the same interests as me. They would have to play video games, possibly play the same sport, joke about the same things I would and generally be nice to me. That is how I have always met my friends and it has worked out very well so far. There is not a set number of friends that I have, everyone is usually my friend because I am friendly to them. I only have a couple of best friends though that know me very well and it is that way because I am not a very open person, I am usually quiet around a crowd of people and open towards friends. Not everyone on Facebook is my "friend" it is just the idea of adding acquaintances around the school that you pass in the hallway everyday. It is not uncommon for someone in the school to add everyone, because it is just a friendly gesture. Who knows maybe they will become more than acquaintances after you add them. These Facebook 'friends' can really be friends if they talk to me, share with me, write on my wall, ect.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Another winter homecoming come and gone, it is also bittersweet because it was my last high school homecoming ever. A week that I always look forward to, their is so much spirit and everyone seems to be more relaxed the whole week. My week was pretty exciting and stressful with a conference tournament win on Thursday and a trip to MSU on Tuesday. I did like the theme of the mini floats being video games and all, but no one really put any effort into the float except the freshman ( Who I thought should of won, they put the most effort into their float.) The pep assembly could of been a little bit better also, the winter pep assembly always seems to be cut short and uneventful though. The bowling team was mentioned though and that made me happy :)! I was disappointed in the fact that we didn't have the tradition of the Sand Creek cheer at the end. Our senior class has probably been the only class to miss that cheer twice in the same year. I was looking forward to it! Nick Howard did deserve to be crowned king in my eyes, he is a pretty cool dude and a good friend. I thought it was funny that the morning announcement crew was crowned both king and queen ( Nick and Kimmy :) ). I did my best to dress up also, some days were very hard though, I have no animal print clothing of any kind.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is tomorrow the one holiday that people are allowed to share a full day of love with everyone. I think that this holiday is exactly built up for the Hallmark cards and the conversation candies, it is not blown out of proportion at all. I think it is important to have this holiday even if you share it alone, because their is always someone that will love you, a brother, a sister, parents or grandparents. Even if you don't have that someone "special" you will always be loved on this holiday and for a day to show that, it is just awesome. If you want your mother or father to be your valentine then you can. There is no rule that says your parents can't be a valentine.
Monday, February 6, 2012
The Sand Creek Rock N Bowl
Well, as you can tell by the title the Sand Creek Bowling fundraisier was this past weekend! It was an awesome turn out and everyone that went had an awesome time. The highest game was rolled by myself with a 286, not bad but it was also a 300. We had food from ZZ's and pop, door prizes were also given away but unfortunately I did not win a single one. After Lenawee Recreation took their portion of money we were left over with probably $800, which I will call a good night! All in all it was a very fun time and anyone who did not go missed a great time!
Monday, January 30, 2012
My level of understanding in the field of photography goes as far as a couple of things. For one you need different lighting for the picture to turn out well. The lighting needs to be perfect for a crisp and clear picture. The flash on cameras are used if lighting is not available. I am, however, starting to get into photography a bit more extensively. My dad has just bought a VERY nice Canon professional camera, which can snap off 10-30 shots at a time! We have been very impressed with the camera and this photography unit will be an excellent time to use it. What I am expecting from this unit is to learn more about the camera, get more comfortable with the numerous settings, and finally take a quality picture in different light settings and surroundings.
Monday, January 23, 2012
The Exam Experience
I felt I did as well as I could have with the time alotted for studying, with the combination of other homework, sports, and college. So far, I have recieved an A on my English exams, a B on Part one of my Physics and also Exploring Technology. I think that we should still keep the mandatory exams because it is good practice for college and it tests our comprehension in a class. Even though it might start off extremely slow and it makes our school look like we have scores below our potential is because some people have never experienced a full comprehensive exam. Taking an exam now will make us practiced in studying for hours, and help us keep the material current in our brains, possibly to be used in the next semester. The exams were comprehensive, everything that was on the exam I saw/ learned from the beginning of the semester to the end. I had to study for a maximum of 7-8 hours.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Today is going be bittersweet for me, as we take on the Blissfield bowling team. We are going to the bowling alley where I first got started into bowling: Rich Lanes. Oh the memories that will be rushing back to me. I had one of my birthday parties there, my very first bowling league, and the first spot where I actually picked up a bowling ball. I can recall a time where I did not even want to pick up a bowling ball, I even cried because I didn't want to bowl. It has been a long time since that point and that is why it is bittersweet for me, almost like I am going home :).
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas Break
Welcome back to the new school year ( and new year!) 2012! The year I graduate, oh yes! Every year that high schoolers look forward too and I will try to make the best of it. Enough about that though, this post is suppose to summarize my Christmas Break. Well in all honesty, I didnt do much of anything. I bowled quite a lot including participation in a school tournament in which we took second at Hudson. I bowled for practice, and with my family a lot other than that. We had dinner at my Grandma Jeans on Christmas Eve and opened presents there ( I got a GPS for my car!) and later that night my family went to the midnight mass at our church. The next morning was Christmas, we woke up, had breakfast and opened up our presents. I got a new bowling ball bag and a radio for my car, which is going to be put in this Sunday afternoon. That night we went to my Grandma's in Lansing and spent a nice time with family there as well.
Hope everyone else had a good break :)
Hope everyone else had a good break :)
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