Monday, April 23, 2012


I do have a Facebook  account, and I am on it probably once or twice a day.  I mostly use my Facebook account to post good things that have gone on in my life, sport updates, something that I found interesting on the internet, saying my birthday greetings to a friend, or I even use it as a calendar of events that are going on around me.  I never use to to verbally bash someone though, that is not right.   So many people have to be on Facebook because it fits there gossip-like personality, they have to know what is going on at all times, or to even tell others what they are going to do five minutes from now, which also gets EXTREMELY annoying.  Plus it is also dangerous, somebody could break into your house if you tell Facebook that you are "leaving for town soon, lol!!"  When I first saw Facebook I saw it as an opportunity for friends to share different things they might like so that "Friends" on Facebook can better connect to each other, that's who I think should use Facebook.

Three positives of Facebook

1.  Share good news that goes on in life.

2.  Games are available to played, even games that need friends to help out in.

3.  Acquaintances from different schools or even states can reconnect.

Three negatives of Facebook

1.  Cyber-bullying is made easier.

2.  Personal Information is readily available for anyone.

3.  Facebook accounts can be hacked easily.

A person can not truely have hundreds "friends" that they can hang out with, see everyday and still be happy to be with each day.  People on Facebook book all have acquaintances that they know and talk to once in a while.  If a person is able, they will 'friend' the whole school community, but most of the times it gets to hectic on Facebook for that many people.

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